Francesco Ricci - University of Rome, Tor Vergata

Join the lab

We’re always looking for smart and enthusiastic people interested in joining the lab.

Possible openings might be available for PhD students and post-doc researchers.
If you think you might be interested in joining us, feel free to contact via email at

When you send an email state briefly your past experience, publication track record, past supervisors, etc.

Please also attach a 1-2 page CV (Please spare us the Europass CV!).

In the email please include one sentence about a paper of our lab that you have recently read and tell us something about it (what you liked, what you hated, whatever…).

Also include answers to the following questions:

1) What aspect of our lab’s research is more appealing to you?
2) What is your career goal?

Emails without these two requisites will not be considered, sorry.